1.公司註冊證書及商業登記證之正本或核證副本1 Original or certified copy1 of Certificate of Incorporation and Business Registration Certificate |
2.公司組織章程大綱及章程細則核證副本之正本或核證副本 Original or certified copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association |
3.周年申報表之核證副本(適用於香港註冊公司) 或 當地註冊代理人簽發的職權證明書之核證副本 (適用於海外註冊公司2) Certified true copy of Annual Return (Applicable to company incorporated in Hong Kong) or certified true copy of certificate of incumbency (Applicable to company incorporated in overseas2) |
4.公司架構圖 Organizational Chart |
5.最新審計財務報表 Latest Audited Accounts |
6.公司董事名單及董事的身份證明文件及住址證明3之正本或核證副本 A list of directors and original or certified copy of identity documents and residential address proof3 of directors |
7.主要股東(持有有關公司 25%或以上權益)的身份證明文件及住址證明之正本或核證副本 Original or certified copy of identity documents and residential address proof of substantial shareholders (holding 25% or more interests of the company) |
8. 董事會決議之核證副本,授權開設期貨戶口、執行開戶文件,及指定授權人士代表公司簽署文件或發出交易指令及簽署式樣 Certified Copy of Board Resolution authorizing the opening of futures accounts, execution of the account opening documents, and specifying authorized personnel(s) to sign documents or place order on behalf of the company with relevant specimen signature |
9. 獲授權簽署人身份證明文件之正本或核證副本 Authorized signatories’ original or certified copy of identity documents |
10.境外銀行賬戶憑證 Certified Copy of overseas bank account |
1 核證副本是指文件的正本須經由一名合適人士 (「核證人」) 查看。核證人包括銀行經理、執業會計師、律師、公證人或受香港證監會監管的人士。副本須附上核證人簽署、姓名、專業資格及牌照號碼以供確認用途,以及附有「Original Seen」(已查看正本)的字句及列明核實日期。請注意核證副本遞交後恕不退還。 A certified copy means a copy of the original that has been sighted by a suitable person (the “certifier”). The certifier can be a branch manager of a bank, a certified public accountant, a lawyer, a notary public, or a SFC licensed or registered person. The signature, name, professional qualification and license number of the certifier should be clearly shown, together with the wording “Original Seen” and the date of certification. Please take note that certified copies of documents submitted are not returnable. 2 海外註冊公司文件之核證須由第三方專業人士(如律師、會計師)簽署,方為有效。 Certification is only effective when it is signed off by third party professional (e.g. lawyer, accountant). 3 最近三個月的銀行月結單; 或最近三個月的公用事業繳費單 (如: 媒氣、電費、水費等)。 Bank statement within the latest 3 months; or Utility bill (i.e. gas, electricity, water, etc) within the latest 3 months. |